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Online Button Museum
Button Galleries
Button Galleries
Backmarks – Hammond Turner (etc) and others
Dandy and Dress Buttons 1
Dandy and Dress Buttons 2
Livery Buttons 1
Military Buttons
Naval Buttons
Sporting Buttons 1
Sporting Buttons 2
Sporting Buttons 3
Sporting Buttons 4
Uniform Buttons 1
Uniform Buttons 2
Hammond Turner timeline
Trade directories
Native American visit
The Penny Magazine Supplement on Birmingham
Harriet Martineau for Charles Dickens
The Birmingham Button Trade parts 1 – 10
Employment of children in the button trade, HT&Sons, 1833, 1841 & 1864
Children working in the button trade – 1841
Children working in the button trade – 1864
West’s patent buttons
William Kempson 1768
Bonham Hammond 1808
Charles Glover 1819
Mary Greenhill Hammond 1822
John Dickinson 1822
Samuel Hammond 1825
William Elliot 1831
John Turner 1841
Samuel Hammond Turner 1841
Rebecca Dickinson 1845
John Chatwin 1848
William Hammond Turner 1851
William Brunton 1851
George Bragg 1852
George Davey Bragg 1900
Samuel Hammond Turner
John Pemberton Turner
Locating Birmingham Button Makers
Repeal Button
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