1768 – The will of William Kempson
In the name of God Amen I William Kempson of Birmingham in the county of Warwick button maker being of sound and dispensing mind memory and _ _ do for _ my _ _ make this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say
First I will and devise that all my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid and satisfied
I give and bequeath unto my wife Susannah Kempson all my messuages mills lands and premises with their appurtenances situate in the parish of Kingsbury in the aforesaid county of Warwick and now in the _ _ or occupations of John Clarke and William White which premises I am _ to for the residue of a term of years thereof some time since _ to me and my late partner Richard Al_ by one Thomas Paddy now deceased
And also all my other farmlands and premises situate at or near a place called Duddeston in the parish of Aston near Birmingham aforesaid in the said county of Warwick and now in my own possession and which I hold by virtue of a lease some time since granted to me by Sir Lister _ Baronet to hold the said sportive leasehold premises with their respective appurtenances unto my said wife and her assigns for and during so long of the sportive farms estates and interests which I shall have in the same leasehold premises respectively and the time of my decease as that my said wife shall live
My said trustees shall _ therein unto my sons William Kempson and John Kempson and my daughter Mary Kempson equally amongst them share and share alike
And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said wife and my friend and partner Thomas ? of Birmingham aforesaid button maker executrix and executor of this my last will and testament
In witness whereto I have set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of July in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight
Proved twenty second day of March one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine by Susannah Kempson and Thomas ?